The Law of Attraction Rocks!

My LoA sucks right now!
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The Law of Attraction Rocks!

Post by Eloisa » Fri Nov 13, 2015 1:06 am

The Law of Attraction is the first of God’s Laws I actually experimented with.

At first I was terrified of it, ironically as it was already working on my soul but I just hadn’t noticed before. So the terror was about what I would find out about myself and how ‘bad’ I really was and that now I knew about the Law of Attraction EVERYONE would also notice how bad I was. So I stewed in that for a number of years just marinating in my fear and forcing those around me to marinate in my fear too.

Then I began some actual experimentation.
I asked for some Humility, Divine Truth and Divine Love, or just even to feel what these things were. At the time I didn’t really believe I could do any of it or that my request would be answered and often nothing happened.

It took a while to actually feel anything for me (feel what I really felt rather than I thought I ought to feel) - other than live in my addictions, blame others or feel angry.

But I did begin to notice things. It was pretty hard not too, unless I was out of body (which was most of the time), as we had three young kids and a heap of spirits around us and the kids who were totally reflecting to me 24/7 everything I was in denial about, every unhealed emotion, every fear, every place I was out of harmony with Love, so there was A LOT of opportunity to see where I was at if I wanted to.

Aside: (The kids were spirit influenced and over-cloaked due to emotions unhealed in us as parents and my tendency to ‘fly high’ or go out of body more than be present in most situations allowed the kids to be totally over-cloaked and spirit influenced. Our unhealed emotions left them totally unprotected. I lived totally in my fear, for what now feels like ALL of the time. Just to be clear I haven’t felt a lot of my fears, but I am more present and more honest than I used to be and this has created positive change).

At first I didn’t want to see where I was truly at.
So I selectively noticed things.

But as I started to ‘selectively notice’ I couldn’t help but notice more… and more… and more …and more… and soon there were events and situations happening so frequently, that were so similar and so blatant that I could not avoid seeing the Law of Attraction in Action - I had also asked God to be really blatant and obvious with me so that I could see what He was trying to tell me without any doubt.

My prayers were answered! I would have events happen, I would have the kids (spirits through the kids) tell me word for word what I feared the most, or say things to me that made me feel terrible, or sometimes just say things that a 2 year old had no experience with (this is how I finally figured out it was spirits), I would then meet strangers who would say things that couldn’t have been meant for anyone but me. It was sometimes really freaky, like being in a movie where everyone knows about you except yourself. It sometimes got to the point where three or four people would say the exact same thing to me - I now wonder if spirits just took the opportunity to channel through anyone they could to get me to see stuff.

Anyway the point of me sharing this with you is to demonstrate how accurate, how perfect, how precise and amazing the Law of Attraction is for each of us - if we choose to see what is being gifted to us. And also to let you know that the more you feel and engage in harmony with God’s Laws the better your life becomes!

I can’t say it enough, God’s Laws are so awesomely incredible!

There are still many places I am in denial and have the biggest addictions around, I find the hardest to see, even though God is trying to show me every moment of my day what those are, I find it difficult to see them - basically because I don’t want to see them.

BUT even though at times I don’t want to see my own condition/addictions/areas that need attention - due to resistance or errors unhealed - I still feel the Law of Attraction is amazing and actually there is a relief in it as I don’t have to worry so much about everything, if I don’t see it, I will be shown to me, in fact God is trying to show me constantly where I need to refine myself in love.

I do look forward to getting to the place where I so want to feel my emotions that I am actively engaging them before the Law of Attraction has to nudge me, or hit me hard - depending on my resistance to feel them, but until then I have some very precise and excellent help.

God Loves us so much that She constantly, not only once or twice, but constantly, kindly and compassionately guides and shares the Truth with us about ourselves. We just need to be willing to see it as God sees it.

I feel, at times, the first inklings that true freedom is possible if I choose to Love and live in Harmony with God’s Laws!!

I am so grateful to Jesus and Mary for sharing God’s Truth with me!!!

Sandra T
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Re: The Law of Attraction Rocks!

Post by Sandra T » Thu Nov 26, 2015 2:23 am

Hello Eloisa

thank you for sharing this with us. I have never actually even thought about engaging the LOA. Reading your post I am actually realising that I am just sitting on the fence hoping that nothing bad will happen to me.

So to see someone who has experimented with this law in such a way and the results of that, as well as the "how to," is quite inspiring to me. I suppose, from what you have written, there needs to first be a strong desire to know about specific things and then a strong desire, and reflection to notice the response of the LOA. Your experience with your children and people telling you things and the realisation that spirits were being channelled, is quite profound.

I am going to experiment with this law as well and see what happens.

By the way do you make notes and reflect upon specific issues you are praying to discover? Would you recommend to keep a record of what happens, I'm thinking this might really help me to develop some faith if the experiment works, or at least to recognise when I am being insincere in the process....

Oh, and how did you work on staying in your body more, did this reduce the spirit influence on the children? I work with young children and this happens quite a lot and I panic, taking me further out of my body. Any suggestions on this would be greatly appreciated. I would love to hear more about any more experiences or insights you have around this law.

Thank you Eloisa


Graeme Bell
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Re: The Law of Attraction Rocks!

Post by Graeme Bell » Wed Dec 09, 2015 8:13 pm

Eloisa wrote:The Law of Attraction is the first of God’s Laws I actually experimented with.

At first I was terrified of it, ironically as it was already working on my soul but I just hadn’t noticed before. So the terror was about what I would find out about myself and how ‘bad’ I really was and that now I knew about the Law of Attraction EVERYONE would also notice how bad I was. So I stewed in that for a number of years just marinating in my fear and forcing those around me to marinate in my fear too.

Then I began some actual experimentation.
I asked for some Humility, Divine Truth and Divine Love, or just even to feel what these things were. At the time I didn’t really believe I could do any of it or that my request would be answered and often nothing happened.

It took a while to actually feel anything for me (feel what I really felt rather than I thought I ought to feel) - other than live in my addictions, blame others or feel angry.

But I did begin to notice things. It was pretty hard not too, unless I was out of body (which was most of the time), as we had three young kids and a heap of spirits around us and the kids who were totally reflecting to me 24/7 everything I was in denial about, every unhealed emotion, every fear, every place I was out of harmony with Love, so there was A LOT of opportunity to see where I was at if I wanted to.

Aside: (The kids were spirit influenced and over-cloaked due to emotions unhealed in us as parents and my tendency to ‘fly high’ or go out of body more than be present in most situations allowed the kids to be totally over-cloaked and spirit influenced. Our unhealed emotions left them totally unprotected. I lived totally in my fear, for what now feels like ALL of the time. Just to be clear I haven’t felt a lot of my fears, but I am more present and more honest than I used to be and this has created positive change).

At first I didn’t want to see where I was truly at.
So I selectively noticed things.

But as I started to ‘selectively notice’ I couldn’t help but notice more… and more… and more …and more… and soon there were events and situations happening so frequently, that were so similar and so blatant that I could not avoid seeing the Law of Attraction in Action - I had also asked God to be really blatant and obvious with me so that I could see what He was trying to tell me without any doubt.

My prayers were answered! I would have events happen, I would have the kids (spirits through the kids) tell me word for word what I feared the most, or say things to me that made me feel terrible, or sometimes just say things that a 2 year old had no experience with (this is how I finally figured out it was spirits), I would then meet strangers who would say things that couldn’t have been meant for anyone but me. It was sometimes really freaky, like being in a movie where everyone knows about you except yourself. It sometimes got to the point where three or four people would say the exact same thing to me - I now wonder if spirits just took the opportunity to channel through anyone they could to get me to see stuff.

Anyway the point of me sharing this with you is to demonstrate how accurate, how perfect, how precise and amazing the Law of Attraction is for each of us - if we choose to see what is being gifted to us. And also to let you know that the more you feel and engage in harmony with God’s Laws the better your life becomes!

I can’t say it enough, God’s Laws are so awesomely incredible!

There are still many places I am in denial and have the biggest addictions around, I find the hardest to see, even though God is trying to show me every moment of my day what those are, I find it difficult to see them - basically because I don’t want to see them.

BUT even though at times I don’t want to see my own condition/addictions/areas that need attention - due to resistance or errors unhealed - I still feel the Law of Attraction is amazing and actually there is a relief in it as I don’t have to worry so much about everything, if I don’t see it, I will be shown to me, in fact God is trying to show me constantly where I need to refine myself in love.

I do look forward to getting to the place where I so want to feel my emotions that I am actively engaging them before the Law of Attraction has to nudge me, or hit me hard - depending on my resistance to feel them, but until then I have some very precise and excellent help.

God Loves us so much that She constantly, not only once or twice, but constantly, kindly and compassionately guides and shares the Truth with us about ourselves. We just need to be willing to see it as God sees it.

I feel, at times, the first inklings that true freedom is possible if I choose to Love and live in Harmony with God’s Laws!!

I am so grateful to Jesus and Mary for sharing God’s Truth with me!!!
Jesus and Mary.LOL.If you truly believe this idiot is Jesus then you are deceived.The only place you can find out about Jesus is the Holy Bible.Outside of that there is nothing.Of course seeking Him means you will find Him but the first place to know about Him is the Holy Bible.Yet miller denies the Holy Bible.He teaches this nonsense contrary to it.,Miller is not Jesus and the fool is taking you to hell with him with these new aged mumbo jumbo lies.

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