Attracting People with Injured Left Leg

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Attracting People with Injured Left Leg

Post by brendardgz » Tue Oct 06, 2015 5:51 pm

I have been noticing the past couple of weeks that wherever I walk around in my university's campus, some person always appears walking with an injured leg (usually in a cast and usually the left leg). I have been quite aware of this for some time now and I know that I am resisting the truth about myself which is shown through what this attraction brings to me. I have prayed to God, but not efficiently since I found myself crying in a tantrum-like fashion which means no clarity on the truth can be given in that state.

I know that I have to find out why I don't want to know, and I watched a movie two nights ago which sent me the message of practicing to not judge myself or others in any situation. I now think that I have to feel the judgement projected at me from others which would then cause me to feel less judgement from myself which would THEN lead me to realize the cause of this ongoing attraction.

I'm putting this up here in the forum (partially because I know I have an addiction of wanting some sort of confirmation before I continue with the path, which I also need to work on) and also so that other people may see my situation and maybe get some sort of clarity from it.

Any advice/comments would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you and have a great week!
Brenda <3

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Laura Berry
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Re: Attracting People with Injured Left Leg

Post by Laura Berry » Mon Oct 12, 2015 1:39 am

Dear Brenda,

I remember Jesus saying in a seminar that when we witness or are attracted to someone else's accidents that our souls are a part of that event or injury happening that our soul is contributing in some way towards that. When I notice that now I feel more remorseful if I am attracted to someone else's injuries, like oh dear I am a part of that.

I feel legs in general are about stepping in the right spiritual direction but I am not totally sure.

I would look at both the judgements you feel about your own spiritual path and the judgements you may put on others for their spiritual direction. (as you are attracting things that's encouraging you to reflect on judgements, and because it is left it will be judgements you put on yourself, judgements you feel from women or judgements you project at other women)

That's my suggestion based off what you said but I don't know for sure.

If I am off course I hope someone can correct this.

If you keep longing for the truth and God's love I am sure you will reach the feelings creating this.


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Re: Attracting People with Injured Left Leg

Post by brendardgz » Mon Oct 19, 2015 4:45 am

Hi Laura,

Thank you so much for your advice!! I know I definitely have a big issue when it comes to judging myself or others that has to be released. So, the explanation you gave could be the case, however, I of course need to feel it for myself to see whether or not my law of attraction would change.

Also, come to think of it, there is this one girl that me and my other two best friends (the 3 of us with similar personalities) have attracted whom I greatly judge and have become annoyed with (so there is a source of anger) because I feel she is not sincere with me or others and always gives a facade version to herself and to everyone around her. However, I find myself becoming annoyed and not really knowing what God's love would do in that case which suggests I have an emotional injury when I interact with her. So that is something for me to figure out.

But thank you so much for your advice and hope all is going well!
Brenda <3

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Re: Attracting People with Injured Left Leg

Post by Darragh » Tue Nov 10, 2015 7:22 pm

I saw the "Attracting People with Injured Left Leg" and had to see what this was about! Being a campus and with the weather changing there is an increase in injuries usually. Your noticing the injured left leg. I'd imagine my left leg in a cast and in pain and ask my leg what it wants to tell me. Mine is telling me that "breaking a leg" is not the other option for standing up and being myself. You know sometimes its said when going for a presentation or before an interview. If I fear being judged i used to think of "breaking the leg" as the easier option to putting myself in that situation. Please post how you get on if you wish to... Take Care, Darragh

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