Law of attraction-Jesus 1st Century

My LoA sucks right now!
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Law of attraction-Jesus 1st Century

Post by Abram » Thu Sep 10, 2015 9:43 pm

One of my blocks, to fully accepting the truth that once we become at one with God we will not attract negative experiences in our life, is Jesus's 1st century law of attractions. I've heard AJ/Jesus explain how he made the choice in the first century to not avoid his potential death and rather face it to help create the most change for the world. The question I have is if he was at one with God in the first century why would these and previous violent attacks on him be attracted? Thanks

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Re: Law of attraction-Jesus 1st Century

Post by Brian Brill » Thu Sep 10, 2015 10:14 pm

adwilks wrote:One of my blocks, to fully accepting the truth that once we become at one with God we will not attract negative experiences in our life, is Jesus's 1st century law of attractions. I've heard AJ/Jesus explain how he made the choice in the first century to not avoid his potential death and rather face it to help create the most change for the world. The question I have is if he was at one with God in the first century why would these and previous violent attacks on him be attracted? Thanks
AJ has discussed this a few times, but here's the time that may best address exactly what you're asking:

20100125 The Human Soul - Emotions, Truth & Judgment (at 2:15:08)

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Re: Law of attraction-Jesus 1st Century

Post by Abram » Thu Sep 10, 2015 11:30 pm

Thanks Brian. That helps, though is still hard to wrap my brain around. I guess what he is saying is that when we are one with God we don't interpret negative events as negative, though they may still be attracted in our life. This explanation makes me question my understanding of the law of attraction as I thought that once I released a causal emotion about a certain issue that issue would not be attracted in my life again, hence AJ's common suggestion to use our law of attraction to show us whether we have actually released the causal emotion. I wonder if you could point me to another video that explains this further or could explain your understanding. Thanks again

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Re: Law of attraction-Jesus 1st Century

Post by Alkhemst » Fri Sep 11, 2015 12:33 am

It's a compelling example of what it might mean being in a state of never compromising on love and truth. Seems that if error in everyone involved is at stark contradiction to truth, something like this is inevitable at least while on earth. I get there's this idea that Jesus had to be crucifixed, purported to have been God's will but that's likely to have been concocted to explain what seems to us so foreign - that love and truth in action is uncompromising despite what in our eyes is the worse type of humiliation, torture, and death.

I'll admit its a foreign concept to me as well. I'm certainly afraid of torture but I feel I'm more afraid of leaving those I love behind where I couldn't protect them, so its so hard for me to fathom what uncompromising love and truth would be, not just in Jesus' time in the first century, but more so in my life today.

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Re: Law of attraction-Jesus 1st Century

Post by Brian Brill » Fri Sep 11, 2015 1:42 am

adwilks wrote:Thanks Brian. That helps, though is still hard to wrap my brain around. I guess what he is saying is that when we are one with God we don't interpret negative events as negative, though they may still be attracted in our life. This explanation makes me question my understanding of the law of attraction as I thought that once I released a causal emotion about a certain issue that issue would not be attracted in my life again, hence AJ's common suggestion to use our law of attraction to show us whether we have actually released the causal emotion. I wonder if you could point me to another video that explains this further or could explain your understanding. Thanks again
Ha, I should know it's never as easy as posting a link and then being on my way. :D

Hmm, another video doesn't come to mind, so I'll take a shot at explaining to the best of my knowledge.
adwilks wrote:Thanks Brian. That helps, though is still hard to wrap my brain around. I guess what he is saying is that when we are one with God we don't interpret negative events as negative, though they may still be attracted in our life.
The key in what AJ was saying is that Truth confronts Error. This is going to be true whether or not that confrontation results in what we would think of as a "negative" event.
adwilks wrote:Thanks Brian. This explanation makes me question my understanding of the law of attraction as I thought that once I released a causal emotion about a certain issue that issue would not be attracted in my life again, hence AJ's common suggestion to use our law of attraction to show us whether we have actually released the causal emotion.
Well, it seems your idea about the Law of Attraction might be influenced by some fear...that you are hoping that improving your LoA will lead to you avoiding negative events and so you have some concern if that's not the case. We probably all feel that way to some extent, but it's really something of an impure approach any time we seek change to avoid what we don't want. It's a useful dynamic to get us motivated to change in the first place, but ultimately our intention has to shift away from avoidance and toward improvement for its own sake.

But beyond that and to your question, let's consider that the LoA works on different levels. I think that most people think that it operates on parts of us that we usually consider un- or sub-conscious. That's why AJ calls it "the messenger of truth", because it brings information about ourselves to our attention that we otherwise don't notice or perhaps intentionally avoid or deny. This is usually where our "issues" reside, the ones that draw the events to trigger their release.

But the LoA also operates directly on the emotions of our fully conscious intentions. It is not necessary to think that Jesus was attracting attack through the LoA acting on some issues he had that were unresolved or already resolved. Jesus consciously desired to live in Truth, without compromise. Being at one with God, Jesus had a high degree of Love and Truth, and these essentially eliminate fear. And if someone is not in fear of those who are in error, and if that person does not compromise Truth, a conflict is inevitable if the people in error are determined to aggressively oppose the Truth. This is obvious whether or not we even factor in the Law of Attraction.

So, while improving your condition by releasing causal emotions will improve your LoA in that you won't attract hard lessons to trigger you, the Law of Attraction and other dynamics still exist that can create events that might be viewed as negative. It's the nature of reality here in the physical world, where vastly different soul conditions are allowed to mingle in the same space with Free Will. I'm pretty sure it's different in the spirit world.

That's my current understanding anyway.

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Re: Law of attraction-Jesus 1st Century

Post by Alkhemst » Fri Sep 11, 2015 2:35 am

Seems that the law of attraction was also operating to its full effect at the time too. If a generally poor soul condition in the world exists, like today it does, we would only attract so much truth while our soul conditions stays the same. Because truth sets us free, it also means we can only attract so much real freedom while our soul condition remains the same.

So in tje first century the world attracted or to be more specific, chose to lose access to a great teacher that could lead many more to God as well as real love and truth, real freedom and happiness too.

Seems that's what's going on now too, as AJ said himself a number of times, there's a lot more truth he has to discuss publicly, but there's also only so much that makes sense for him to reveal while we chose to remain in our current condition (at a personal and global level).

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Re: Law of attraction-Jesus 1st Century

Post by Abram » Fri Sep 11, 2015 4:27 pm

Thanks guys for the feedback and I feel I understand these issues clearer. My concept of the law of attraction is definitely influenced by fear as well as a desire to create a utopian earth, though probably more about my fears of avoiding pain to myself and those closest to me. I will definitely have to keep working through these fears I have.

Living in harmony with love means we don't compromise truth under any circumstances, which makes sense and I can see how that is inevitably going to result in interactions with those who want to suppress or challenge the truth. I've heard AJ talk about times when it is unloving to confront errors in others (i.e., when it doesn't affect us or others to the point where we would need to stand up for the truth and love). In other words, truth may never be compromised, though we don't go out looking to confront errors in others unless certain conditions are present. Correct me if I'm wrong. Thanks again for the time and effort you all are putting into answering my questions.

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Re: Law of attraction-Jesus 1st Century

Post by maureen » Fri Sep 11, 2015 6:46 pm

Here is a short clip where Jesus describes a bit more about his own emotions during the time of his encroaching death in the 1st century.

Jesus on Why He Died in the 1st Century

I find that if I just let myself be present with my emotions, then I can understand better what the "external" events that are "out there" are compelling me to feel (or repress!).

So, I can have the same event occur and have a completely different experience of it if I have processed emotions in the interim (during the earlier event or in the meantime).

What I am finding useful is to try to be more and more aware (humble as Jesus and Mary would say) of what is stirring within me in the presence of any given event that is emotionally provocative.

For instance, when it comes to sharing "truth" I motivated by fear to act to prevent something from happening? Or, am I not wanting to share something when I am actually clear and loving on the issue because I am afraid of the repercussions? That I will not be able to bear the onslaught of humiliation and rejection?

So, for me, I guess I work with the Law of Attraction maybe from the opposite view point. I don't look at the events as indicators/evidence of where I am and proceed from there. I just try to feel my emotions, regardless of what the event might "look like" and that I find to be the richest and most ripe place to learn what is in and out of harmony and what might be driving my desire to share or not share truth.

Sometimes I am driven by fear (and become unloving...i.e. wanting to "make" others see things), sometimes I am driven by love and pure desires to share divine truth and I get brutalized (mostly by spirits) and I just need to work my way through that dark tunnel and proceed forward....doing it anyway....until I become fearless....and willing to engage my desire regardless of the tirades of others. And, for the most part, I just ignore what my Law of Attraction might look like to others....because my life has always looked like a mess to the more "together" that one I don't think I have a lot to left to feel about anymore because I have felt so much about living as a freak on the outside of a world I never could fit into or flourish inside of.

So, basically, I just try to be present with my feelings and go from there. No matter what the event is. Because it could be anything that triggers huge emotions. A most random seeming event...could be the catalyst to bring me back to my childhood terror....if I will only allow it to. Like yesterday, I thought, "I'm going to take a walk. I love to walk. And, I'm going to go downtown and wear what I want. And, just feel how freakish and frightened I am. And, also, how much I want to grow and become a part of the world." And, within moments, I came upon a pitbull who was injured and walking in and out of traffic and felt so much terror for him as I know the pound here, and how, if the dog catcher shows up, he will most likely euthanize him because they make $180 dollars off of every animal they "put down" for the city....and it just went from there....


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Re: Law of attraction-Jesus 1st Century

Post by maureen » Fri Sep 11, 2015 8:41 pm

p.s. actually I do still have a lot to feel about being on the outside of life...and how that has fueled and still fuels my totally unloving projections onto the the rest of humanity at times (when I don't want to feel the truth of the grief at the sight of my deep alienation and estrangement from humanity and how I am the scapegoat in my family which I have still to go into more fully emotionally...beyond just naming it and calling them on it)....the truth is, it often still feels like moti vs. everyone in the world to me ....not quite in harmony with God...I would have to admit. Like that poor pup...hurt terrified lost and totally confused about my instincts...afraid to go backward or forwards and not knowing who or what to trust. I felt so sorry for him...and how he probably lived tied up to a tree his whole life and finally got out and tasted some freedom and now he will be put in a cold cement cell which his owners probably won't pay the fine to get him out of because they'll be mad at him for escaping rather than realize it was not bad that he wanted a taste of freedom. And, so he will be abandoned and killed within two weeks by the shelter. And in the meantime he'll feel more fear and maybe some hope. And when they kill him, he will be really confused as to why. That is how it feels sometimes still. My own life.

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Re: Law of attraction-Jesus 1st Century

Post by Abram » Fri Sep 11, 2015 9:42 pm

Thanks for the clip it explains things further. Even though I know I should focus more on feeling the feelings that are triggered by my law of attraction events, I have a tendency to intellectualize and to try and solve the mystery of what I'm feeling, where it came from, and what I'm avoiding. I know this prevents me from more emotional processing.

You bring up another theme I'm beginning to be more aware of regarding the emotional reasons behind my actions. This is a great way to see how my actions are either in or out of harmony with love and can be an opportunity for more emotional processing.

It seems like you can really relate to the dog you saw and it brings up a lot of pain you still have. I hope you and the dog find peace and acceptance.

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