From this thread:Those who become 'righteously angry' about the suffering and plight of refugees and humanitarian concerns and act from this emotional injury are avoiding their own history of oppression, abuse or injustice. Thus they do not serve to solve the problem but rather are attempting to gain 'closure' on issues within themselves. This doesn't work well.
From both Jesus & Mary:
It's the truth about everything that destroys all fear. Therefore since fear or the denial of fear is the creator of anger,
obviously the truth will also have the effect of destroying the anger. So in a way the anger is a guide into truth. The anger is telling you when you are not being truthful with yourself. The anger is telling you when you are not being truthful with yourself. The anger is telling you when you're not being humble. Remember we defined humility as the passionate desire to experience all of your own emotions. If I'm angry I don't have a passionate desire to experience all of my own emotions because the anger is there to cover over an emotion.
So as soon as I'm angry I know I'm not being humble. As soon as I'm angry I know I'm not in truth. So anger is fantastic because it tells you straight away when you're in error. Straight away, the instant you feel even the tiny,mildest of annoyances, you are now in error and you know it if you acknowledge that that annoyance was there. But if you don't acknowledge that annoyance was there, you're not going to acknowledge the truth that you're actually covering over a large emotion. So therefore you'll never experience that larger emotion and get closer to God. That's why it's so important to deal with your anger.
Right, so the question is; is there such a thing as justifiable anger. No.
Can I just clarify the “no” to the justifiable anger? Even if you're daughter got raped right in front of your eyes, your anger is not justified. Even if your husband got murdered right in front of your eyes, your anger is not justified. Now they are pretty strong statements, aren't they? But I mean what I say. Your anger is not justified in those circumstances. What is the anger? It is your choice to get away from your true emotion in that particular situation. So what would be your true emotion in the situation where your husband
gets murdered right in front of your eyes? Fear, devastation, grief, all sorts of emotions would be there. And you can
feel them in that instant. In fact when you become at-one with God, you will feel them in that instant.
I relate to this because I have had and still have some anger about injustice in the world. But I've learnt two big things about it. One is that I have massive amounts of grief about it. And when I'm angry I'm actually choosing not to feel the grief because I have some emotions in me about being treated very unjustly in my life and that's probably why I'm so hesitant to feel about the injustice. The other thing is that in the world today we're so hooked on justice; it's all about the justice and a really big important thing that I learnt was something that the slave spirits learnt, and that's about God.
If we actually have faith and trust in God as being a loving God and that the Laws of God are actually loving, even though at times we feel like it's not, those things become clear if we build a relationship with God.
When Mahatma Gandhi was on Earth he said, "An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind." And to me that's a huge statement because what it does is it tells you that raw justice as it's portrayed in the world today is not going to work. Because there are so many things that have happened on this Earth today that are unjust and unloving and if we perpetuate the injustice, we just create more injustice.
So you're what I would call the angry activist. What I mean by that is the person who feels angry about the external things to themselves going on in the world and as Mary just pointed out to you, Mary feels exactly the same way as this. Now what is driving that is some very deep personal emotions of hurt within yourself and you are using these external events to cover over. And the key for you is to allow yourself to start feeling the personal emotion you feel about your own life that these events are triggering.
So in other words let's say you notice something external to yourself that's unjust; the politicians raised my tax and then went on a holiday. Now that feels unjust. So I'm looking at the political scene I feel there's a deep injustice in that. But in reality that's just connecting to some deep injustice in my own life, in my own childhood, and what I'm doing is externalising my anger. I'm looking for something outside of myself to blame so that I don't have to feel my own hurt about my own life in that situation. The irony is that when I choose to feel my own hurt in my own life you'll find that that will actually finish up lessening even the external event at the soul level. The reason why is that at the moment if I don't choose to feel my own anger, I am projecting anger on the world and making the world a more angry place, not a less angry place.
The anger projected like that is actually an aggression, it's actually damaging to the whole planet. Us, me
included, being angry about all of this injustice. And the way God has designed it is that if we do deal with this stuff
within ourselves, it does have an impact on everything around us. And really, only when we're in a true state of love in
harmony with God that's the only way we're going to change any of these things. Because there is injustice in the world
for sure, but by being angry we're actually wanting to punish in that emotion.
And if you think about our anger, our anger generally is driven by this desire to blame, a desire to punish. We think it's
a desire to make things better but actually because we have this desire within us to blame or punish, we're actually right
at that moment making it even worse than it is. Not better than it could be. So that's a major issue that we're facing.