Psychopathic personalities

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Psychopathic personalities

Post by Sandra » Sun Jan 03, 2016 11:18 am

I was watching a little segment of the movie "The Human Centipede", and the man playing the doctor was really scary in the way that he treated the three people he kidnapped to do the surgical experiment. I wonder how a person can be so callous, unfeeling, and to lack conscience to this extent. I heard Jesus mention in one of the videos that some people may have some kind issue when they were born in which they can't feel that they are doing something bad, I think it was in one of his recent videos about the law of repentance and forgiveness, but he didn't elaborate on it, and I wonder what causes this type of personality, and if such people can be fixed here on earth.
I've had dreams and sleep state experiences in which there were people like that working in hospitals, but they tend to put on a nice facade persona; I don't think that this is a rare type of personality, but it is not something that Jesus has discussed or at least I haven't come across any information through his videos about this.
Any information or feelings about this?

My name is Sandra

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Re: Psychopathic personalities

Post by soulbodyplanet » Sat Jan 09, 2016 8:48 am

Hi Sandra,
Catherine here.
Perhaps there is a myriad of things going on with psychopathic people. For one they are in a very detuned selfish state, and one of manipulation of others or the environment. This could be from denial of emotions like fear or anger or sadness or simply self aggrandizement with a lack of love. Where these feelings root from are also complex in nature. The soul of the person could be damaged from others in youth or spirits and environment. These denials of emotions and damage could attract over-cloaking spirits or spirits in general that are influencing their behavior.
I would contemplate that people are not 'fixed' per se, but rather have the free will to fix themselves and/or ask God for her grace. Fixing is irrelevant as change needs to come from a souls will. That being said, I would say it is entirely possible for someone to change while on earth , absolutely. But only if they have the will and decide to change. I would suggest we look at ourselves as to what emotions in us cause our judgement about these others rather than having love for them. Easier said than done, or better said 'felt'.

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Re: Psychopathic personalities

Post by Lena » Sat Jan 09, 2016 12:14 pm

Hi Catherine,

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Re: Psychopathic personalities

Post by catherinej » Mon Jan 11, 2016 6:26 pm

Hi Lena,
I realized this shortly after making the post and signed up as this username with the intention of replying to my post here.
My apologies, I have been a part of a couple of forums before and arrogantly assumed the rules were standard and the same.
I aslo want to apologize to you spiritinfluenced2.
I would like to ask for the opportunity to continue to post with this forum name. Thank you.

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Re: Psychopathic personalities

Post by Lena » Mon Jan 11, 2016 8:29 pm

Hi Catherine,

Thanks for going back and investigating the terms and conditions. As it is a criteria before signing up for the forum.

All the best,


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