Do not look at the storm
Do not look at the storm
Do not look at the storm
My precious child,
The waves are your problems and impossibilities that you see. Do not look at the storm My child look at Me and you will have faith to walk on the waves. You will have faith to speak to the waves to stop when you have your eyes on Me. You really do have authority in Me to speak to these storms in My name. Do not be like Peter who looked at the waves (the circumstances) but look at Me so you can have faith over this storm. I am the answer not people or circumstances. I can do the impossible. I can heal marriages when it seems impossible for the marriage to be healed. I can heal broken hearts and broken emotions if you will but put your faith in Me and not waver by looking at the waves. Stop talking to people about your problems and listening to their negative words of doubt and unbelief that healing and miracles can not come to you. You are not some special case that I can’t heal. When I promise in My Word to bring healing then I keep My promises. Stop listening to man and his opinions and start listening to Me because I am the answer. Listen to My Word and not the world. Man speaks of negative impossibilities I speak of possibilities. Where there is cancer I can speak life. Where there is mental disorder there is Godly wisdom and soundness of mind when one puts their trust in Me. Man would tell you things can’t change there is no hope but I say that you are not govern by this world’s laws but by my laws of faith, hope and love. Do not give up on Me I can still bring healing. I brought healing to Lazarus when he was four days in the tomb and I can bring healing to your situation too. Nothing is impossible with Me when you put your faith in Me and not doubt Me.
Love the miracle maker
My precious child,
The waves are your problems and impossibilities that you see. Do not look at the storm My child look at Me and you will have faith to walk on the waves. You will have faith to speak to the waves to stop when you have your eyes on Me. You really do have authority in Me to speak to these storms in My name. Do not be like Peter who looked at the waves (the circumstances) but look at Me so you can have faith over this storm. I am the answer not people or circumstances. I can do the impossible. I can heal marriages when it seems impossible for the marriage to be healed. I can heal broken hearts and broken emotions if you will but put your faith in Me and not waver by looking at the waves. Stop talking to people about your problems and listening to their negative words of doubt and unbelief that healing and miracles can not come to you. You are not some special case that I can’t heal. When I promise in My Word to bring healing then I keep My promises. Stop listening to man and his opinions and start listening to Me because I am the answer. Listen to My Word and not the world. Man speaks of negative impossibilities I speak of possibilities. Where there is cancer I can speak life. Where there is mental disorder there is Godly wisdom and soundness of mind when one puts their trust in Me. Man would tell you things can’t change there is no hope but I say that you are not govern by this world’s laws but by my laws of faith, hope and love. Do not give up on Me I can still bring healing. I brought healing to Lazarus when he was four days in the tomb and I can bring healing to your situation too. Nothing is impossible with Me when you put your faith in Me and not doubt Me.
Love the miracle maker
Re: Do not look at the storm
Hi Helmick
I'd like to ask you what the context of this post is just to further my understanding if I may? Is this a channeled message you have received, or found elsewhere? or is this your own writing?
I'd like to ask you what the context of this post is just to further my understanding if I may? Is this a channeled message you have received, or found elsewhere? or is this your own writing?
Re: Do not look at the storm
It is a message the Holy Spirit gave me in 1999 and I wrote it down as He gave to me. It has been a blessing to me and others ever since.Nicky wrote:Hi Helmick
I'd like to ask you what the context of this post is just to further my understanding if I may? Is this a channeled message you have received, or found elsewhere? or is this your own writing?
Re: Do not look at the storm
Hi Helmick,
Thanks for the clarifier, but I would like to ask you more about what you said, if thats ok:
You said: "It is a message the Holy Spirit gave me in 1999 and I wrote it down as He gave to me."
What do you mean the Holy Spirit gave it to you? I am asking, as what you are stating is a little confusing still, and I do not wish to draw a premature conclusions about the source of this channeling.
And it feels you are a little reluctant to give more information about this message too. Which is an indication that you may be over-protective and not very open to discussing your post and the message its self. If that is the case it is strange that you have decided to post it on the forum.
So these are my questions and why I have them:
Do you mean you have channeled message from Jesus? I now know that Jesus is not a Holy Spirit therefore it doesn't make sense to me when you say that the message is from Holy Spirit but it is signed with Jesus' name. And I wonder if you know that Holy Spirit is not Jesus.
Here are some links about Holy Spirit, religious view points about Holy Spirit and origins of Trinity:
Maybe if you decide to share more about what your background is and what feelings you have about the message, it will be easier to clarify the source of the information itself.
Many spirits claim to be a Holy Spirit or Jesus in a spirit form and channel information to people on Earth. So I would like you to invite to investigate the possibilities of where this channeling came from. I am not saying that the message is not from Jesus.
Thanks for the clarifier, but I would like to ask you more about what you said, if thats ok:
You said: "It is a message the Holy Spirit gave me in 1999 and I wrote it down as He gave to me."
What do you mean the Holy Spirit gave it to you? I am asking, as what you are stating is a little confusing still, and I do not wish to draw a premature conclusions about the source of this channeling.
And it feels you are a little reluctant to give more information about this message too. Which is an indication that you may be over-protective and not very open to discussing your post and the message its self. If that is the case it is strange that you have decided to post it on the forum.
So these are my questions and why I have them:
Do you mean you have channeled message from Jesus? I now know that Jesus is not a Holy Spirit therefore it doesn't make sense to me when you say that the message is from Holy Spirit but it is signed with Jesus' name. And I wonder if you know that Holy Spirit is not Jesus.
Here are some links about Holy Spirit, religious view points about Holy Spirit and origins of Trinity:
Maybe if you decide to share more about what your background is and what feelings you have about the message, it will be easier to clarify the source of the information itself.
Many spirits claim to be a Holy Spirit or Jesus in a spirit form and channel information to people on Earth. So I would like you to invite to investigate the possibilities of where this channeling came from. I am not saying that the message is not from Jesus.
Re: Do not look at the storm
Hi Helmick
Thanks for clarifying. I'd just like to add a bit more to Lena's response in that I do not feel "The Holy Spirit" or Jesus gave you that message. I am under the belief that it was a spirit pretending he was Jesus. Many spirits often lie saying they are Jesus because they feel that when they do this, it increases the chances of that person receiving their message taking more notice of it.
I do not believe Jesus would use such language and convey the message in the way that has been conveyed in your channeling. If you look at the message, the spirit is basically using it to gain feelings of power and worth by stating "me" "my" and "I" in pretty much every sentence in a way I feel is selfish and to make him feel superior and important. Although the words used appear "godly" and "loving" I do not really feel any love in the message, It appears quite self-seeking and egotistical.
Thanks for clarifying. I'd just like to add a bit more to Lena's response in that I do not feel "The Holy Spirit" or Jesus gave you that message. I am under the belief that it was a spirit pretending he was Jesus. Many spirits often lie saying they are Jesus because they feel that when they do this, it increases the chances of that person receiving their message taking more notice of it.
I do not believe Jesus would use such language and convey the message in the way that has been conveyed in your channeling. If you look at the message, the spirit is basically using it to gain feelings of power and worth by stating "me" "my" and "I" in pretty much every sentence in a way I feel is selfish and to make him feel superior and important. Although the words used appear "godly" and "loving" I do not really feel any love in the message, It appears quite self-seeking and egotistical.
Re: Do not look at the storm
Thanks for sharing this with me. How does a person discern if a spirit is from God or not?
Re: Do not look at the storm
Hi Helmick,
I would recommend to watch the material I have posted above, and then see what kind of questions you still have about this issue.
I say that because Jesus highlights very important points in these presentations covering them in depth with his great knowledge on the subject.
And since speaking and listening is way faster than typing and reading, I think it is a more productive way to investigate things if the information is available in the audio or video format.
There is much of information available for people who wish to develop their mediumship, which can also be found on the Divine Truth Youtube channel. There will be more session uploaded on this playlist with discussion about ways to improve on mediumship quality. ... E872B8BF96
As well as many seminars: ... mediumship
It would be great to hear your thought about your own channeling after you hear the material I have recommended.
I would recommend to watch the material I have posted above, and then see what kind of questions you still have about this issue.
I say that because Jesus highlights very important points in these presentations covering them in depth with his great knowledge on the subject.
And since speaking and listening is way faster than typing and reading, I think it is a more productive way to investigate things if the information is available in the audio or video format.
There is much of information available for people who wish to develop their mediumship, which can also be found on the Divine Truth Youtube channel. There will be more session uploaded on this playlist with discussion about ways to improve on mediumship quality. ... E872B8BF96
As well as many seminars: ... mediumship
It would be great to hear your thought about your own channeling after you hear the material I have recommended.
Re: Do not look at the storm
Thanks Lena
Re: Do not look at the storm
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