Marianna, Florida
Own Device
August 28, 2015
Isaiah 65:2 I spread out My hands all the day to a rebellious people, who walk in a way that is not good, following their own devices.
I tell you truly, beloved church, that nothing gets by your God. I see all and I know all. What do I see? What do I know? I see many who are following after their own devices. This word is for those who are seeking their own will, ignoring My truth, following after the ways of the world.
I am the living God, the Creator of all that you see and all that you do not see. I see the actions of man and am displeased. I am longing for mankind to follow after My heart. Do I despair? Do I throw My hands up in defeat? No! Again I say “NO!” I call out to all who will listen and make this request. Know that My will is to see mankind prosper. My delight is to see glad hearts, rejoicing in Me and the liberty that is found in knowing Me, and following My statutes. Those who choose My way will know these things, but those who follow after their own devices will suffer the consequences of their own choices. This is not what I desire. This is what that heart chooses. So get ready to see those who are following after the enemy’s strategies fail and know with a certainty that those who choose Me and My will will know the pleasure of My company and that is a pleasure that none can deny as wonderful, wonderful beyond all belief, wonderful in ways you have yet to experience.
I am the living God. My children delight in Me, trusting and following in My will. But those who follow after their own devices will know defeat of the saddest kind. This is not My will; this is their choice. That is the simple truth, beloved children. That is truth in its simplest form!!!
own devices
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