God's love
God's love
Since 1999 I have prayed just about everyday for more of God's love in my life and it has helped me to love people more then before.
God's Love
The way in which the Spirit conveys the Divine Love into the soul is a beautiful miracle. The attribute of mortal soul prior to incarnation has to it, a potential within it that is part of its formed nature. After the soul incarnates this potential remains part of the soul and even if the forming personality is unaware of such a soul potential, the potential still exists. The Divine Love is entirely suitable in its energy of harmony to be the energy that a mortal soul can utilise. The Spirit covers the spirit body when the individual sincerely asks the Soul of God for the Divine Love and this covering of the spirit body is where the dynamic of this beautiful miracle takes place. From the internal longing of the individual for the Divine Love this activates the Spirit Law that activates the Spirit that is then attracted to the spirit body upon which the Spirit material of the spirit body draws the Divine Love in to its soul and this union complete. The key here is to gain a perceptive insight into realising that the spirit body is not an inert body but that it is living and has activity, recognisable from its first forming from the Spirit Law that materialises a spirit body. The Spirit and the spirit body to give an analogy are like two attracting magnets and when the surface of the spirit body is touched by the Spirit, this causes the automatic response of the Divine Love to permeate into the attribute of soul and so begins the transformation of energy from the natural into the Immortal Divine Harmony. If the individual continues the receipt of Divine Love the energy that is Divine Love actively begins to change the soul and this is felt in the spirit body systems and can produce feelings of love and elation. The spirit-mind begins to change as all spirit body systems are affected by the changed condition now experienced in the soul as the soul becomes living and vital. In one’s progression of this Divine transformation, the soul will mature enough from the amount of Divine energy it receives and at that moment the surface of the spirit body and the Spirit are continuously attracted to each other and one is living in the presence of the Father in perfect harmony and this clarifies the truth about what it means to be truly at-one with God.
Jesus of the Celestial Heaven
The way in which the Spirit conveys the Divine Love into the soul is a beautiful miracle. The attribute of mortal soul prior to incarnation has to it, a potential within it that is part of its formed nature. After the soul incarnates this potential remains part of the soul and even if the forming personality is unaware of such a soul potential, the potential still exists. The Divine Love is entirely suitable in its energy of harmony to be the energy that a mortal soul can utilise. The Spirit covers the spirit body when the individual sincerely asks the Soul of God for the Divine Love and this covering of the spirit body is where the dynamic of this beautiful miracle takes place. From the internal longing of the individual for the Divine Love this activates the Spirit Law that activates the Spirit that is then attracted to the spirit body upon which the Spirit material of the spirit body draws the Divine Love in to its soul and this union complete. The key here is to gain a perceptive insight into realising that the spirit body is not an inert body but that it is living and has activity, recognisable from its first forming from the Spirit Law that materialises a spirit body. The Spirit and the spirit body to give an analogy are like two attracting magnets and when the surface of the spirit body is touched by the Spirit, this causes the automatic response of the Divine Love to permeate into the attribute of soul and so begins the transformation of energy from the natural into the Immortal Divine Harmony. If the individual continues the receipt of Divine Love the energy that is Divine Love actively begins to change the soul and this is felt in the spirit body systems and can produce feelings of love and elation. The spirit-mind begins to change as all spirit body systems are affected by the changed condition now experienced in the soul as the soul becomes living and vital. In one’s progression of this Divine transformation, the soul will mature enough from the amount of Divine energy it receives and at that moment the surface of the spirit body and the Spirit are continuously attracted to each other and one is living in the presence of the Father in perfect harmony and this clarifies the truth about what it means to be truly at-one with God.
Jesus of the Celestial Heaven
Re: God's love
SHINING TOWARD SPIRIT: Vol III, p. 157, 14 Nov 2014 – 14 Mar 2015 Zara and Nicholas 665.
The Shining toward Truth www.lulu.com
It is I Matthew, a teacher of the Divine Love. I have communicated with you recently, now I desire to provide you with a visual description of the Love.
Imagine a continuous Energy shining light blue that is unbroken with a seamless surface that surround every mortal and Immortal spirit. Imagine if you were to become aware that this energetic field of light-blue Energy existed in its shining radiance just near where you are. Now that you are aware that this unbroken Divine Love is unified energetic field of living Love, by opening toward the Soul of God and aspiring for the Divine Love, the Acting Spirit gently brings a small portion of this shining blue Energy into your soul
The Divine Love that you have received remains part of this great Energy that the Divine Love is and even though this small portion of Divine Love, now within your soul, in its shining radiance and energetic cause, it is never separated from the continuous energetic field of Energy that the Divine Love is. Having partaken of this Energy it is with perception that one is aware that the Divine Love within one’s soul is the same Divine Love that every person and spirit who has partaken of this Love, participates with. Even though in our individuality we partake of this Divine Energy, this Love is never broken away from the Source and Origin from which this Divine Love emanates.
The Divine Love is bestowed into our finite soul by the Acting Spirit, but this Spirit remains in contact with our spirit body and does not enter the finite soul to become part of our finite soul essence that we are. No mortal or Immortal spirit can manifest in their soul the Acting Spirit so that this Spirit – this Holy Spirit – becomes part of our existing finite sprit body. Only the Divine Love and its Energy becomes part of our finite soul, which causes the change to our spirit body. The Acting Spirit always remains its own attribute and never does a Celestial spirit claim ownership or take possession of the Acting Spirit within their soul. (The Holy Spirit / Acting Spirit is an instrument of the Source Soul, our Father.)
This is one of the wonderful Truths by which we who have been transformed by the Divine Love understand our personal relationship with the Father’s ever-present Acting Spirit. The shining Energy of Divine Love is all around us and when we have partaken of this Love, part of our finite nature becomes independently shining in this true perfect Love.
I provide these words that may appeal to those who are visual and to express the universal appearance of the Divine Love and the personal touch when in contact with the Acting Spirit.
Matthew (Apostle)
The Shining toward Truth www.lulu.com
It is I Matthew, a teacher of the Divine Love. I have communicated with you recently, now I desire to provide you with a visual description of the Love.
Imagine a continuous Energy shining light blue that is unbroken with a seamless surface that surround every mortal and Immortal spirit. Imagine if you were to become aware that this energetic field of light-blue Energy existed in its shining radiance just near where you are. Now that you are aware that this unbroken Divine Love is unified energetic field of living Love, by opening toward the Soul of God and aspiring for the Divine Love, the Acting Spirit gently brings a small portion of this shining blue Energy into your soul
The Divine Love that you have received remains part of this great Energy that the Divine Love is and even though this small portion of Divine Love, now within your soul, in its shining radiance and energetic cause, it is never separated from the continuous energetic field of Energy that the Divine Love is. Having partaken of this Energy it is with perception that one is aware that the Divine Love within one’s soul is the same Divine Love that every person and spirit who has partaken of this Love, participates with. Even though in our individuality we partake of this Divine Energy, this Love is never broken away from the Source and Origin from which this Divine Love emanates.
The Divine Love is bestowed into our finite soul by the Acting Spirit, but this Spirit remains in contact with our spirit body and does not enter the finite soul to become part of our finite soul essence that we are. No mortal or Immortal spirit can manifest in their soul the Acting Spirit so that this Spirit – this Holy Spirit – becomes part of our existing finite sprit body. Only the Divine Love and its Energy becomes part of our finite soul, which causes the change to our spirit body. The Acting Spirit always remains its own attribute and never does a Celestial spirit claim ownership or take possession of the Acting Spirit within their soul. (The Holy Spirit / Acting Spirit is an instrument of the Source Soul, our Father.)
This is one of the wonderful Truths by which we who have been transformed by the Divine Love understand our personal relationship with the Father’s ever-present Acting Spirit. The shining Energy of Divine Love is all around us and when we have partaken of this Love, part of our finite nature becomes independently shining in this true perfect Love.
I provide these words that may appeal to those who are visual and to express the universal appearance of the Divine Love and the personal touch when in contact with the Acting Spirit.
Matthew (Apostle)
- Eva
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Re: God's love
Thank you Budi for the beautiful quotes you have posted.
I would like to find the first source/document, from October 5th 2012, about the Beautiful Miracle by Jesus. I could not find it on the Divine Truth website. Please add a link!
Thanks and love
I would like to find the first source/document, from October 5th 2012, about the Beautiful Miracle by Jesus. I could not find it on the Divine Truth website. Please add a link!
Thanks and love
Re: God's love
Hi Eva
The Divine Universe is published through www.lulu.com
The Divine Universe was penned during 2013 to 2104 by Zara and Nicholas.
You will also find the publication available at www.amazon.com
Those who have read the Padgett Messages in chronological order, such as the Book of Truths as published by Joseph Babinsky, would have clearly recognised that the Padgett Messages did not complete. The last fifty or so pages of those messages back in 1914 through to 1920 show that the works remained unfinished - until the writing of The Divine Universe.
Reading the four volumes of The Gospel Revealed Anew by Jesus does not bring to one's attention that the works did not finish. This is due to the fact that in those volumes the messages are frequently grouped into subjects.
I found it enormously beneficial to read both sets of publications of the Padgett Messages. Now you can read the finish of them - penned 100 years later!
The writings by the bands of spirits that commenced on the 31 May 1914 continue today. They have been progressively published throughout the past 100 years:
The Padgett Messages 1914 - 1923
Revelations by Dr Daniel Samuels 1954 - 1963
Judas of Kerioth 2001 - 2003
The Richard Messages by James Reid 2012 - 2013
The Divine Universe by Zara and Nicholas 2012 - 2013
Shining Toward Spirit by Zara and Nicholas 2014 - 2015
I am aware of at least two further books in preparation for publication.
The number of spirit people participating throughout these works now excedes some 750 with many of them participating in most of the publications.
We are truly been gifted with a wonderful adventure to experience first hand.
Blessings, Budi
The Divine Universe is published through www.lulu.com
The Divine Universe was penned during 2013 to 2104 by Zara and Nicholas.
You will also find the publication available at www.amazon.com
Those who have read the Padgett Messages in chronological order, such as the Book of Truths as published by Joseph Babinsky, would have clearly recognised that the Padgett Messages did not complete. The last fifty or so pages of those messages back in 1914 through to 1920 show that the works remained unfinished - until the writing of The Divine Universe.
Reading the four volumes of The Gospel Revealed Anew by Jesus does not bring to one's attention that the works did not finish. This is due to the fact that in those volumes the messages are frequently grouped into subjects.
I found it enormously beneficial to read both sets of publications of the Padgett Messages. Now you can read the finish of them - penned 100 years later!
The writings by the bands of spirits that commenced on the 31 May 1914 continue today. They have been progressively published throughout the past 100 years:
The Padgett Messages 1914 - 1923
Revelations by Dr Daniel Samuels 1954 - 1963
Judas of Kerioth 2001 - 2003
The Richard Messages by James Reid 2012 - 2013
The Divine Universe by Zara and Nicholas 2012 - 2013
Shining Toward Spirit by Zara and Nicholas 2014 - 2015
I am aware of at least two further books in preparation for publication.
The number of spirit people participating throughout these works now excedes some 750 with many of them participating in most of the publications.
We are truly been gifted with a wonderful adventure to experience first hand.
Blessings, Budi
- Eva
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Re: God's love
I have been thinking about the quote that was posted from the Divine Universe, channeled by a medium and claiming Jesus in the Celestial Heavens to be the author.When re-reading it, and translating it roughly through google translate, I find it very unlikely to be the true words of Jesus. Jesus (or AJ Miller) as I have come to know him, does not express himself like this. It sounds to me as a complicated and fairy-like explanation of the Divine Love, not as simple and logical as Jesus has described it.
I have understood from a talk by Jesus, that it is possible to channel him during his sleep. But I doubt that the text that was posted on the forum has much of Divine Truth in it.
Regarding the message from Matthew, the apostle, I get the same feeling. A feeling that it does not match the descriptions of the Divine Love and how it is mediated through the Holy spirit as Jesus has described it.
I have understood from a talk by Jesus, that it is possible to channel him during his sleep. But I doubt that the text that was posted on the forum has much of Divine Truth in it.
Regarding the message from Matthew, the apostle, I get the same feeling. A feeling that it does not match the descriptions of the Divine Love and how it is mediated through the Holy spirit as Jesus has described it.
Re: God's love
Seems to be saying the same thing as far as I can tell but in much more fluffy language. If it was channelled not long ago, probably fair to question why that type of language is being used instead of a style a lot more accessible?Eva wrote:When re-reading it, and translating it roughly through google translate, I find it very unlikely to be the true words of Jesus. Jesus (or AJ Miller) as I have come to know him, does not express himself like this. It sounds to me as a complicated and fairy-like explanation of the Divine Love, not as simple and logical as Jesus has described it.
- Pierrejoseph
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Re: God's love
Hi Budi,
the 2 quotes you have published are very beautiful and even if I have never heart Jesus alias AJ to talk about the holy spirit and Divine Love that way or mention those sources - The Divine Universe by Zara and Nicholas 2012 - 2013
Shining Toward Spirit by Zara and Nicholas 2014 - 2015 - as channeled by him or other celestial spirits, it does not feel to contradict what I have heard or experienced personally but adding information to the process. Feels very nice to me to visualize this energy all the time around me, and upon sincere prayer to the Father, the Divine Love entering the soul through the spirit body but remaining always part of the same energy field.
I question the purity of the source though and hence of the information. Why would Jesus need to talk through a medium when he already teaches straight on earth? I know he keeps teaching in the spirit body but for spirits I suppose. Question to ask him directly I suppose. What I will do.
the 2 quotes you have published are very beautiful and even if I have never heart Jesus alias AJ to talk about the holy spirit and Divine Love that way or mention those sources - The Divine Universe by Zara and Nicholas 2012 - 2013
Shining Toward Spirit by Zara and Nicholas 2014 - 2015 - as channeled by him or other celestial spirits, it does not feel to contradict what I have heard or experienced personally but adding information to the process. Feels very nice to me to visualize this energy all the time around me, and upon sincere prayer to the Father, the Divine Love entering the soul through the spirit body but remaining always part of the same energy field.
I question the purity of the source though and hence of the information. Why would Jesus need to talk through a medium when he already teaches straight on earth? I know he keeps teaching in the spirit body but for spirits I suppose. Question to ask him directly I suppose. What I will do.
Re: God's love
Hi everyone
Following the information submitted by Budi, I have decided to move this thread to the "Unseen Voice" section of the forum.
To everyone, I believe I have heard Jesus say that any further "Padgett Messages" cannot be relied upon in terms of how harmonious they are with Divine Truth & Love following those of Dr Samuels up until 1963. That is why Jesus does not have further messages uploaded onto his & Mary's site following those received by Dr Samuels.
This is because Jesus and a group of other celestial spirits found a way to come back to the Earth via the process of "Re-incarnation" shortly after the last messages received by Dr Samuels (bearing in mind the year Jesus was born as AJ on Earth and was the first of all of the spirits to return which matches up pretty well considering the time frame).
I am sure I heard Jesus say that these subsequent messages are from people on Earth channeling spirits whom are falsifying their own identities and pretending to write as Jesus and the many of celestial spirits that wrote in the original Padgett Messages. Of course, the mediums on Earth are more than likely probably not engaged in their own emotional work hence the co-dependant addiction attracting these spirits to the medium can occur.
I would therefore suggest you approach the content of the messages received post 1963 with caution.
Hope that helps
Following the information submitted by Budi, I have decided to move this thread to the "Unseen Voice" section of the forum.
To everyone, I believe I have heard Jesus say that any further "Padgett Messages" cannot be relied upon in terms of how harmonious they are with Divine Truth & Love following those of Dr Samuels up until 1963. That is why Jesus does not have further messages uploaded onto his & Mary's site following those received by Dr Samuels.
This is because Jesus and a group of other celestial spirits found a way to come back to the Earth via the process of "Re-incarnation" shortly after the last messages received by Dr Samuels (bearing in mind the year Jesus was born as AJ on Earth and was the first of all of the spirits to return which matches up pretty well considering the time frame).
I am sure I heard Jesus say that these subsequent messages are from people on Earth channeling spirits whom are falsifying their own identities and pretending to write as Jesus and the many of celestial spirits that wrote in the original Padgett Messages. Of course, the mediums on Earth are more than likely probably not engaged in their own emotional work hence the co-dependant addiction attracting these spirits to the medium can occur.
I would therefore suggest you approach the content of the messages received post 1963 with caution.
Hope that helps
- Pierrejoseph
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Re: God's love
Thanks Nicky,
this makes sense to me. The informations channeled in the above messages felt at first quite true to me but now I see how potentially fallacious it might be. This is really tricky because it comes from spirits lying on their names so probably lower than the third sphere and still channeling some truth. So that's the problem because it is not fully reliable in terms of truth. And considering they feed the medium addiction, there must be in a quite low soul condition I suppose.
Does anyone know the color of Divine Love - I thought it was Magenta spirits can see - and the operation of the holy spirit on the soul, is it really through the spirit body ? Maybe not ? Would love be like an unified field around all of us all the time? Jesus represented as a string coming through the holy spirit from God to our soul and not as a field of energy around us. This feels more a new age concept. Thanks for any insight.
Now I can see it is not worth spending much time on this readings because it requires all the time to separate the wheat from the chaff - or something like that? I mean to separate the truth from the lie. Better to go to God first and his true teachers.
this makes sense to me. The informations channeled in the above messages felt at first quite true to me but now I see how potentially fallacious it might be. This is really tricky because it comes from spirits lying on their names so probably lower than the third sphere and still channeling some truth. So that's the problem because it is not fully reliable in terms of truth. And considering they feed the medium addiction, there must be in a quite low soul condition I suppose.
Does anyone know the color of Divine Love - I thought it was Magenta spirits can see - and the operation of the holy spirit on the soul, is it really through the spirit body ? Maybe not ? Would love be like an unified field around all of us all the time? Jesus represented as a string coming through the holy spirit from God to our soul and not as a field of energy around us. This feels more a new age concept. Thanks for any insight.
Now I can see it is not worth spending much time on this readings because it requires all the time to separate the wheat from the chaff - or something like that? I mean to separate the truth from the lie. Better to go to God first and his true teachers.
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